I always want to improve and grow.
Staying stuck is easy. It’s what I know. Moving forward into new ways of thinking that lead to growth is hard. That requires change. I can say what I want to change, but living it is the hard part.
I need help.
That is where prayer comes in for me. Asking for help is everything. Thankfully, God does for me what I cannot do for myself. This partnership is essential for me in my recovery journey.
In my drinking days, it was all about what I thought I could do and had every intention of doing it. Unfortunately, that thinking was very self-centered and self-powered. Don’t drink for a while and everything will go better…I couldn’t go one day on my own power. The next day I was drinking again.
I had to change my thinking to change my behaviors. Stop old behaviors and begin new behaviors. And, getting help outside of myself and old thinking. Starting with prayer, “God, I need help. Show me new ways of thinking rather than reaching for that one thing that will help me change the way I feel. Help me to practice focusing on you and what you bring to mind for focus today.”
Then wait. Look around to see the evidence that is presented. The prayer that I start every day with now, is the “Third Step Prayer.”
“God, I offer myself to Thee —to build with me and to do with me as Thou wilt. Relieve me of the bondage of self, that I may better do Thy will. Take away my difficulties, that victory over them may bear witness to those I would help of Thy Power, Thy Love, and Thy Way of life. May I do Thy will always! Amen.”
It allows me to get out of my own way (and God’s way) and focus on aligning with His will for me instead of my own. And, get out of my old ways of thinking and muscling my way through situations on my own, without God’s help. When I do this, God’s will becomes my will. I am not just saying how I want to change, I begin living it rather effortlessly…
With Gods help. The partnership begins. The relationship becomes one that I can rely on when my thinking goes awry again—and it will. I get to surrender my will and restart— engage again with God’s help.
Open your mind to prayer.
Try it.
It works.
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