I was taught in sobriety to look for the similarities in other alcoholics, not the differences. To identify with them and not compare myself with others.
To identify implies seeing likenesses.
Comparing implies looking for better than or less than.
When we compare ourselves, we separate from others. When we identify, we lift ourselves out of isolation and become “part of.”
The way out of the pit of isolation is to identify, be a part of, and to notice and feel similarities with our fellow alcoholics.
When I see the differences, I become “separate.”
When I see the similarities, I become “part of.”
This empowers us. It helps us step out of judgement into acceptance.
Find somebody, see how they are like you and talk with them. I think you’ll find that feeling of belonging.
Then do it again.
Then again.
You in yet?
“I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you.”
Ephesians 1:18
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