In meetings we have the 7th tradition, which states that we are self-supporting through our own contributions. We do that by passing a basket around every meeting and putting a dollar in each time. Not required. It is very cheap therapy. Sometimes, I can sit in a meeting and learn more about myself than when I talk to a therapist for many dollars more an hour.
I heard this phrase early in sobriety: “A meeting is the only place you can get change for a dollar.”
Funny, but so true.
I am not sitting there waiting for change. I am changing as I am sitting there. Just by putting myself in the chair and listening, I am saying to myself and others, “I am open to doing things differently.”
Why? Because what I was doing before was not working.
The serenity prayer is so important and succinct.
“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can. And, the wisdom to know the difference.”
Admitting I can’t change you. Willing to change me. And, having that wisdom to know the difference. Cease fighting everyone and everything. Not giving up—shifting direction. Allowing new thoughts to guide me.
I am not even going to do the math on all of the “change for a dollar” that I have received over the years. It is priceless. All I have to do is show up. Sit in the seat. Put the dollar in the basket. Listen to God speak to me through all of the people in the room. Watch the transformation happen before my eyes. Experience the change in me—and—not quit before the miracle happens.
Serenity to accept—Courage to change—Wisdom to know
I know I have changed.
I still have work to do.
I am grateful.
“Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.”
Psalm 51:10
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