While stuck in traffic the other day, I saw this bumper sticker:
“If you’re not in awe, you’re not paying attention.”
Wow. So true.
I was not in awe very much while drinking. It was all about me. Every once in a while, I would stop and get inspired by another sunset that God had crafted, but then it was time for another drink to help make the buzz last longer.
After I got sober, I became fully aware—which was terrifying at first. How was I going to live this life without alcohol? I didn't know how. When I put a number of days together without drinking, I realized I could do it with God's help. He gave me gifts of daily living that put me in awe again. That became my buzz—my high.
Then, becoming fully aware was awesome—EVERYTHING was awesome. I realized that God had restored me to all the details of life that were blurred in my stupor...
Seashells in the sand. Dirt. The sunlight hitting a single leaf. My dog’s eyelashes. The cool breeze hitting my face as I walk. Hummingbirds right in front of me. Waking up sober next to my husband. Finding a number every morning on my counter to put in my pocket for my days of sobriety. Singing. Watercolor painting. Breath in my lungs. The sound of crashing waves while looking at another spectacular sunset.
I am paying attention again.
I am in awe—constantly.
Thank you, God, for another day of sobriety.
“For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.”
Romans 1:20
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