So, what about our GOD dilemma?
The dictionary defines dilemma as: “a difficult situation or problem.”
Well yes, God is either a difficult situation to consider or a problem for most people. His invisible nature makes it extremely hard to prove and yet there are many tangibles in this world that tell of His existence, in my humble opinion. Fingerprints, as a friend of mine says.
God is everything or he is nothing. What is our choice? There doesn’t seem to be a middle ground on this one, no option for “just a little bit of God.” If you let him in, well, He’s in. If you turn away from Him, he’s not in your life.
I happen to believe He’s in our lives whether we acknowledge Him or not.
He doesn’t move. We do.
This is a very hard topic for a lot of people, but one worth considering carefully. Because when we alcoholics get sober, we need to find our higher power to turn our lives over to so that we can stay sober. We have decided that we are powerless and our lives had become unmanageable. WE aren’t our higher power because we know that our lives weren’t working under our own power.
Many of us struggle with this, so don’t feel frustrated. It’s natural.
Honestly, the place I go to hear God is in a meeting of other alcoholics. God is not sitting in the room, although He is always there. When people start to speak, it’s as if God is whispering truths directly to me. Sometimes it’s like a loud bell going off when someone says something I can relate to in a real way. My hair stands up, my gut clenches, then I relax into a feeling of bliss like God himself has just written me a love letter in this truth. Those moments are hard to describe and they feel like they are not of this world.
Here are some GOD acronyms to hold onto:
I hear God through other alcoholics telling their stories
I see God in the transformation that happens in people’s lives
I feel God in the desperation of others that eventually leads them through the door to freedom from addiction.
I experience real peace as I see dreams being fulfilled, lives changing, relationships being restored, people staying sober—me too.
When I listen to God and I am receptive to Him, I gain wisdom that I didn’t come up with on my own.
Maybe you don’t get it all yet. It’s really OK.
We’re not meant to understand everything. How small would our God be if we understood it all? In fact, it’s good to doubt…
You can be a believer and still have doubts.
Doubts lead to questions and seeking.
Questions lead to answers.
And, answers lead to a greater understanding.
Just keep seeking.
And, here’s your bonus acronym for today!
Doing Our Uncertain Best To Seek
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”
Proberbs 3:5-6
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